Ilaria Malisan and Luca Favero (cycle 35): Winners of the “Valutare Premia” award organized by Regione Lombardia with their thesis “Essays in the Economics of Education, Labor and Human Capital” (Malisan) and “Essays in Education, Labour and Urban Economics” (Favero), 2024.
Alessandra Moresi (cycle 35): Best PhD Thesis in Economics for her thesis “Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Political Economy and Gender”, XXIX Edition, Italian Economic Association (SIE), 2024.
Alessandra Testa (cycle 35): Winner of the 12th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award on Climate Economics and (its) Knowledge with her paper “What goes around, comes around: the US climate-economic cycle” (joint with Konstantin Boss), 2024.
Ilaria Malisan and Luca Favero (cycle 35): Winners of the 2023 Tortuga Call for Policy Papers. Their proposal has then been published on Il Sole 24 Ore and can be accessed here.
Marina Rizzi (cycle 35): Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award at the CESifo Economics of Digitization Conference for her paper “Regulation of Social Media and the Evolution of Content: A Cross-Platform Analysis”, 2023.
Luca Favero (cycle 35): Riccardo Revelli prize at the III LABORatorio R. Revelli Biannual Workshop on “Health, Retirement, Mismatch and Data for Policy Evaluation” for his paper “Softening up while abroad. Soft skills and international student mobility”, 2023.
Caterina Muratori (cycle 34): Best PhD Thesis in Economics for her thesis “The consequences of limited access to the health care and educational system. The cases of abortion provision and school closure”, XXIII Edition, Italian Economic Association (SIE), 2023.
Margherita Tambussi (cycle 36): Winner of the Jean-Paul Fitoussi Best Paper Award at the annual conference of the Società Italiana di Economia dello Sviluppo with her paper “Terrorism and Tourism Labor Market: Evidence from Egypt“, 2023.
Alessandra Moresi (cycle 35): Winner of the Mixtape Fellow Award with her paper “The Impact of the 2017 Women’s March on Female Political Representation“, 2023.
Anna Novaresio (cycle 32): Special mention at the GERPISA – Réseau International de l’Automobile conference with her paper “The greening of the European automotive industry and its labor effects: an empirical analysis“, 2023.
Guido Pialli (cycle 34): Winner of the Prof. Gobbo Doctoral Award with his paper “The Rise in Knowledge-Intensive Services and Wage Inequality: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas“, Italian Society of Industrial Economics (SIEPI), 2023.
Marina Rizzi (cycle 35): Special mention at the Prof. Gobbo Doctoral Award with her paper “Regulation of Social Media and the Evolution of Content: A Cross-Platform Analysis“, Italian Society of Industrial Economics (SIEPI), 2023.
Collegio Carlo Alberto has been chosen (again!) as one of the “Top 20 Places to Do a PhD” in the 2023 INOMICS Awards (position #4 in the ranking). The Awards recognize Institutions based on their reputation and attraction for INOMICS users. See the announcement on the Inomics Handbook 2023 (page 10).
Ilaria Malisan and Luca Favero (cycle 35): Winners of the 11th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award with their paper “The Effect of Being a European Capital of Culture: Evidence from Matera”, 2023.
Giacomo Rosso (cycle 35): Winner of the 11th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award with his paper “Local Economy Housing Prices and Neighborhood Change”, 2023.
Sarah Zaccagni (cycle 32) Winner of the Premio Vaona for her PhD thesis “Essays on Economics of Health and Education”, 2022.
Eleonora Priori (cycle 33): Winner of the 10th Giorgio Rota Best Paper Award with her paper “Simulating a basic income to cope with the technological transition: An agent-based model”, 2022.
Collegio Carlo Alberto has been chosen as one of the “Top 20 Places to Do a PhD” in the 2022 INOMICS Awards (position #4 in the ranking). The Awards recognise Institutions based on their reputation and attraction for INOMICS users. See the announcement on the Inomics Handbook 2022 (page 14).
Noemi Oggero (cycle 32): Best PhD Thesis in Economics for her thesis “Essays on Applied Economics”, XX Edition, Italian Economic Association (SIE), 2021.
Giuseppe Pernagallo (cycle 35) is one of the winners of the award attributed by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna among the participants to the seasonal school on “Economics of Innovation and Technological Change” (2021).
Collegio Carlo Alberto & University of Torino have been chosen as one of the “Top 3 Places to Do a PhD” in the 2021 INOMICS Awards. The Awards recognise Institutions based on their reputation and attraction for INOMICS users. See the announcement on the Inomics Handbook 2021 (page 22).
Giacomo Plevani (cycle 34): recipient of one of the 2021 EIEF grants with his project “Intergenerational Mobility in Urban Environments”.
Gianluca Orsatti (cycle 30): “Prof. Fabio Gobbo” Doctoral Award for the paper “Public R&D and green knowledge diffusion: Evidence from patent citation data“, Italian Society of Industrial Economics (SIEPI), 2020.
Luca Favero and Giuseppe Pernagallo (both in cycle 35): special mention at the contest for ideas “Un settore pubblico acceleratore di sviluppo” organized by for the following proposal/article, 2020.
Collegio Carlo Alberto ranked 2nd in the category ‘Best Place to Do a PhD’ in the INOMICS Awards 2020. The Awards recognise Institutions based on their reputation and attraction for INOMICS users. See the announcement on the Inomics Handbook 2020 (page 22).
Collegio Carlo Alberto received an “honorable mention” in the category ‘Best Place to Do a PhD’ in the INOMICS Awards 2019. The Awards recognise Institutions based on their reputation and attraction for INOMICS users.
Giulia Chersoni (cycle 33): Young Environmental Economist Award from IAERE (Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists), 2020.
Elena Grinza (cycle 28): Young Italian Economist Award, III Edition, for her paper “Worker Flows, Reallocation Dynamics, and Firm Productivity: New Evidence from Longitudinal Matched Employer-Employee Data”, Italian Economic Association (SIE), 2019.
Enrica Maria Martino (cycle 29): “Valeria Solesin” prize for her PhD thesis “The Labor Cost of Motherhood: Is a Shorter Leave Helpful?”, 2018.
Daniela Piazzalunga (cycle 27): UWIN Best Paper Award on Gender Economics, Unicredit and Universities, 2017.
Elena Grinza (cycle 28): “Prof. Fabio Gobbo” Doctoral Award for the paper “The Impact of Workers’ Replacements on Firm Productivity: New Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Panel Data“, Italian Society of Industrial Economics (SIEPI), 2016.
Daniela Piazzalunga (cycle 27): Best PhD Thesis in Economics for her thesis “Women at Work“, XVI Edition, Italian Economic Association (SIE), 2016.